These videos give a guide to how to pack for moving house, but don't worry if it all looks a bit complicated, we can provide full packing service or part packing services (like fragile packing only) in conjuction with your house removal. Visit our Removals and Packing pages for more information or click here to get in touch.

Want a print copy? Download our Self Pack Guide for Moving House

How to pack small frames

You will need:

  • Strong boxes
  • Packing paper
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Marker pen

Packing your small frame:

  1. Lay the frame flat on the packing paper
  2. Roll it in a couple of sheets, tucking the edges in as you go
  3. Load frames vertically in the box, they are stronger on the end and you reduce risk of damage to glass if something is placed on top.

How to pack china plates and bowls

You will need:

  • Strong boxes (medium size)
  • Packing paper
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Marker pen

Packing your china plates and bowls:

  1. Lay the first plate/bowl to one side of the stack of packing paper and fold the sheet over the top.
  2. Place another bowl on top and fold the next sheet over the top of that.
  3. Do this again with 3-4 plates maximum.
  4. Tuck the leftover paper around the plates to form a bundle.
  5. Turn the bundle over and wrap again in a final sheet.
  6. Make sure your box is well taped at the bottom. (Don't just fold!). Create a cushion of scrunched paper in the bottom of the box as a base.
  7. Stand your plates vertically on top of the base. Plates can withstand more weight and are less likely to be damaged than if packed flat. 
  8. Fill any gaps with scrunched up paper.
  9. Place only lighter items on top of your plates.
  10. Seal the box using tape and label accordingly - don't forget to mark as fragile!

How to pack ornaments

You will need:

  • Strong boxes (small or medium)
  • Packing paper
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Marker pen

Packing your ornaments:

  1. Place ornament on top of your packing paper.
  2. Loosely scrunch a sheet of paper into a narrow roll and wrap around the ornament, particularly around any delicate areas or protruding pieces. Repeat until you have a more solid shape to pack. 
  3. When you're happy everything is covered roll the ornament in a few sheets of paper and tape if necessary.
  4. Don't forget to label your box as fragile!

How to pack large photo frames, pictures and mirrors

You will need:

  • Picture cartons 
  • Packing paper
  • Bubble wrap
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Marker pen

Packing your large frames:

  1. Lay the frame on top of a sheet of bubble wrap. Make sure the bubbles are faced outward with the smooth side facing the glass to prevent marking.
  2. Cut the bubble wrap to size, fold it over and tape in place. Don't tape to the frame or glass!
  3. Repeat until frame is fully covered. 
  4. Assemble your picture carton and line the base with a layer of scrunched paper for cushioning.
  5. Place picture on top of the base and fill any gaps to the front/back with scrunched paper to pad out and prevent movement. 
  6. Tape the side of the carton shut, then fill the top with scrunched paper before taping shut too. 
  7. Slide your second carton over the top, tape the sides and label clearly. Don't forget to mark as fragile!

How to pack folded clothes


You will need:

  • Strong boxes (ideally a lay flat carton)
  • Packing paper
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Marker pen

Packing your folded clothes:

  1. Lay the frame flat on the packing paper
  2. Roll it in a couple of sheets, tucking the edges in as you go
  3. Load frames vertically in the box, they are stronger on the end and you reduce risk of damage to glass if something is placed on top.

How to pack books and DVD's

How to pack a teapot

How to pack stemmed glasses

How to pack a lamp and lampshade



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